What to Do If Your Home Isn’t Selling
If your house is just sitting on the market, it might be time to make a change. After all the work of getting ready to sell your home, a stalled-out sale can be frustrating. And if you’ve already committed to moving, it can be devastating to your wallet. While it can...
Is Hiring An Agent REALLY Worth It?
For many people, when they think about selling their houses, the first thing they will do is look around for a local agent. Agents can be a wonderful asset when selling your house, however, it is not the only strategy you should consider. By doing a little homework,...
Selling a Home: Choosing Between 5 Different Offers
Selling a home? Which offer will you accept? When you put your home up for sale you’ll attract all types of offers. The most notable difference between these offers is normally financing, and how buyers intend to pay for their purchase. So what types of bids might you...
How to Stain a Deck: Your Summer Guide to Deck Maintenance Made Easy
If you have a deck, one essential part of maintenance is learning how to stain it. Stain can be used to change your deck’s color or just accentuate the wood grain; it may also include sealant to protect the wood. To keep your deck in good shape, aim to stain or seal...
Are you expecting Social security to provide for your retirement? here’s a safe alternative to the stock market!
If your answer to that headline question is no (and I’m sure it is), please pay very special attention because the following information could make you thousands of dollars in the coming years simply by increasing the yield on the same money you’re investing now and...
Why Passive Investing In Commercial Real Estate Is A Smarter Strategy Than Single Family Rentals
One of the most common ways I have seen investors invest in real estate is to purchase and operate one or more single family houses as rentals. It’s a logical approach for many investors as it’s a process they understand, having purchased their own home. In addition,...
7 Things About Demolition Day the Reality TV Shows Don’t Tell You
Binge-watching HGTV can make a home renovation seem so simple—and almost fun. The best part? Demo Day, where you get to slam a sledgehammer into drywall and feel like the Hulk. Bam! Pow! You’ve gained 6 pounds of muscle and torn down a whole...
Selling a Home: How to Choose Between 5 Different Offers
Selling a home? Which offer will you accept? When you put your home up for sale you’ll attract all types of offers. The most notable difference between these offers is normally financing, and how buyers intend to pay for their purchase. So what types of bids might you...