200 Westmoreland Office Park, Dunbar, WV

Property Details: For Rent

20 Offices | 4 Bathrooms | 150-500 sqft. Offices Available | Rent Price: $400-$800

Quiet, secure, and affordable office spaces perfect for entrepreneurs, startups, and small companies. Our prices range from 400−800 per month depending on the size of the office you choose.

We offer a large parking lot with 25 dedicated spaces, a shared conference room for hosting large meetings, and a shared lobby area to welcome clients and customers in a professional setting. Both floors have men’s and women’s bathrooms for your convenience and a kitchen/break room for enjoying your lunch break or a quick coffee break.

For added peace of mind, our secured entrances utilize an ADT security system with your own personal access code. Additionally, you have 24/7 access to the building, allowing you to work on your schedule, day or night.

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